Incrementality Modeling

Determine impression-based media’s impact on driving business results

Bonsai’s MTA uses click-based touchpoints, but we know TV and social media advertising play roles in building loyal customers. So, how do marketers appropriately measure impression-based media? Bonsai’s first-party approach to modern marketing measurement includes a solution for understanding views, streams and watches – Incrementality Modeling.

Incrementality measurement tied to business reality enables marketers to see actual performance across channels and determine lift campaigns are generating above existing demand. This is powerful for every marketing channel — search, shopping, social, linear television, direct mail, and more.

With Incrementality Modeling, for example, teams can use Bonsai’s MMM to understand TV’s impact on an always-on basis. You don’t have to wait 6 months for a readout evaluating which campaigns drove the most customers last Holiday season. With Bonsai’s custom-built MMM, Overstory data powers your results so you can have answers to which seasonal campaigns drove new customers by the next month.

How is Bonsai’s Incrementality Modeling Different from Media Mix Modeling (MMM)?

Unlike traditional MMM’s that leverage third-party market data, Bonsai uses your first-party media data and ties that to sales results. Built on Overstory, your incrementality model will include sales and impression-based marketing channel data so that we can view digital media and TV advertising impact side by side. 

Our cross-model design is always on so we can review results in readouts on a monthly basis. Typical MMM will provide impact results up to 6 months after campaigns have run, having a lagging effect that can be hard and difficult to make sense of. 

Bonsai’s modeling can also be adjusted with customizations to your business or marketing efforts. So if your team decides they want to view one channel with a different lookback window than another, Bonsai’s Data Scientists can update the model and include the adjustment in the next monthly readout.

Man and Woman at Laptop Circle

What Does Incrementality Reporting Look Like?

Because of the always-on nature of Bonsai’s Incrementality Modeling, our clients can view performance in dashboard reporting views that will help them better understand ROI.

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